British Motorcycle Stainless
Various screws/bolts/nuts/washers made to original dimensions for use on AJS/Matchless, BSA, Norton & Triumph motorcycles, arranged by part number. We have put in extensive research and belive this parts section to be as acurate or more accurate than any others currently available on the web currently. However we are only human and may have made mistakes or been given misleading information by others. If this is the case please contact us with what you believe to be the correct information so we can update this listing and if necessary replace any incorrect parts supplied by ourselves. Thank you to all who have cooperated with assistance in the past, present and with future cooperation.>
We have EXCELL spreadsheets with further part numbers that we need assistance in accuratly idntifying that we can email to you for your assistance. Your help in identification helps others and ourselves to make further parts available. If you have the original parts books giving the dimensional data of fastenings or original parts to hand that can be identified please DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US FOR THE LISTINGS. REMEMBER HELPING US ALLOWS US TO HELP OTHERS TO EVERYONES MUTUAL BENEFIT, INFORMATION IS MEANT TO BE A SHARED COMMODITY.>
Triumph Numbering System:>
Triumph Part Numbers>
Prior to 1972 Triumph predominantly used a letter before the actual part number
After this they changed to a numbering system.>
Below lists the old Lettering system translated to the newer numbering system which we used on this website:>
14 prefix stays the same.>
D now becomes prefixed 60- +Original Part Number>
D1 now becomes prefixed 61- +Original Part Number>
E now becomes prefixed 70- +Original Part Number>
E1 now becomes prefixed 71- +Original Part Number>
F now becomes prefixed 82- +Original Part Number>
F1 now becomes prefixed 83- +Original Part Number>
H now becomes prefixed 97- +Original Part Number>
S now becomes prefixed 21- +Original Part Number>
T now becomes prefixed 57- +Original Part Number>
W now becomes prefixed 37- +Original Part Number>
As stated this was predominantly utilised but not always so any problems please contact us on 01270 781084>
Parts are normally manufactured for us to be used as replacement parts. British Motorcycle Manufacturers did not originally use Stainless Fastenings, however we provide replacements that are dimensionally accurate to the originals.>
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